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  1. Notify the United Synagogue burial office on 020 8950 7767 IMMEDIATELY and leave your name, the name of the deceased and a contact phone number.

  2. If the burial office is closed and you would like to speak to someone for advice only, please call 07957 119 119 (this service is not available on Shabbat or Yom Tov).

  3. Notify the Rabbi and Shul office. This is optional as the burial office will do this.

  4. Obtain a death certificate from the doctor or hospital, stating the cause of death.

  5. Make an appointment with the Registrar for Births and Deaths in the vicinity where the death occurred and obtain the death certificate.

  6. Phone the burial office once you have been issued with the relevant documentation. The burial office will advise what to do next.

  7. Once funeral arrangements have been made the burial office will contact the Synagogue Administrator who will assist with shiva chairs and prayer books and liaise with the Rabbi about the funeral and shiva. If you wish, you may contact your own Rabbi.

  8. Speak personally with the Rabbi about the funeral service and shiva arrangements, and consider the text for the eulogy.

  9. Notify family and friends of the arrangements.

If your loved one passes away on an evening or a Shabbat/Jewish Festival either at home or in a private hospital/nursing home and they do not have mortuary facilities they will ask that your loved one is removed from the facility. In order to assist with this request there are two independent companies whom we would recommend who can help facilitate this request. One is Carmel Funeral Services (based in Stamford Hill) this is an orthodox company and they are only available to assist in an evening and not on Shabbat/Jewish Festival.

Their contact numbers are 020 8880 1655 and 07860 395420. The second company is Mcleans which is based near Watford, their telephone number is 01923 889883. It should be noted that the Funeral Expenses Scheme does not cover these costs.

If you are struggling to cope in this difficult time, please do not hesitate to contact the synagogue office on 020 8449 0145.  They and the Rabbi will do everything they can to help you practically and emotionally.

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